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By subscribing in our register, you become a visiting member of Trinoga association and Vegetarium project.

There are no material or financial obligations for the visiting member to Trinoga association and/or vice versa.


       "As visiting member I can stay on the territory of Vegetarium Eco Community Home and join the project.

       I can take part in the General Assembly in an advisory capacity.

       I will use the facilities, products and services of Trinoga association, under my own responsibility, and at my cost.

       On the territory of Vegetarium Eco Community Home I will observe the rules and will respond to the conditions:

  • To have completed 18 years of age, or present a declaration of consent regarding the stay issued by my parent/legal guardian;

  • Act responsibly, remain calm and have constructive attitude;

  • Follow the common timetable and food regime, abstain from cooking in the sleeping premises;

  • Avoid antagonism between people and aggressive advertisement;

  • Avoid addictions and psychoactive substances;

  • Not have serious diseases with a high risk of dangerous complications.

       I am informed that if I share personal data with Trinoga association, it will be processеd in a way described in “Personal Data Protection Notice” and in the “Personal Data Protection Policy” available on the website

       According to the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Statutes of the association, this document shall not give rise to any material or financial obligations of the visiting member to “Trinoga” Association and/or vice versa."                                                        

Thank you for joining Vegetarium project !

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