Become an active participant –
with your support “Vegetarium” project grows and gives fruits!
Support us with a
for amounts over 100 euros, donate by bank transfer - here is our account:
Unicredit Bulbank - BIC: UNCRBGSF
Trinoga association - IBAN: BG90 UNCR 7000 1523 1382 34
(Please, notice that our bank is taking 7 EUR for the bank transfer.)
While donating, you receive from our herbal products!
(Please provide your name, phone, address and desired courier company
in our contact form)
Cause n 1 : "Protection and restoration of springs and biodiversity in the region."
We achieve this objective through establishing micro-reliefs for catchment and retention of rain and snow water, large-scale composting and establishing vegetation of endemic and other useful plants in the territories damaged by erosion and deforestation in the area of “Cherni kamik”.
We perform these activities here on the spot with obvious results (we have planted more than 1000 trees so far!) We also provide full support of such activities in other areas damaged by erosion in Bulgaria.
Our ten years of experience at this site shows that the creation of micro-reliefs with the help of a digging machine and the large-scale composting are stopping erosion, retaining moisture, enriching the soil and stabilizing the flow of springs. Supportive conditions for the life of diverse wild plants and animals are created.



On the aim of improving our positive environmental impact we want to purchase the following equipment:
• A mini 4x4 tractor, 27-35 h.p. with attachments: backhoe, mower, knives, shredder, front loader, trailer – total: 45 000 BGN (23 017 EUR);
Cause n 2 : "Establishing favorable conditions for settlement on the spot of long term residents with children."
We achieve our purpose through purchase of land and construction of small, but comfortable family houses to be hire-purchased, against work for the project. So far we have purchased 3 ha. and constructed one common eco house categorized as "guest rooms".
To provide shelter for the actual residents, tools, materials and equipment are necessary to:
• Repair one available house - create a workshop
and 3 living rooms - 15 000 BGN (7673 EUR);
• Construct one clay house - 15 000 BGN (7 673 EUR);
• Construct one tiny house - 15 000 BGN (7 673 EUR);
For improving the conditions for education we want to:
• Construct a hall for studying and practices - 17 000 BGN (8 695 EUR);
• Construct and equipy a kitchen - workshop - 17 000 BGN (8 695 EUR);
• Purchase crafts instruments and equipment - 17 000 BGN (8 695 EUR);
Cause n 3 : "Development of micro-economy aimed at providing a living of the residents and attracting more residents."
We achieve this purpose, developing environmental and healthy tourism and production of various goods.
In order to enlarge our guest hosting capacity we would like to:
• Construct 3 tiny houses x 15 000 BGN (7 672 EUR)
= 45 000 BGN (23 017 EUR);
In order to provide the residents and guests with environmentally clean fruit and vegetables, production of raw materials for transformation on the spot and seed material, we want to:
• Construct and equipy a vegetarium-greenhouse with an area of 120 sq. m.
- 9000 BGN (4 604 EUR);
For the needed modernisation of the transport for our guests, materials and products from the asphalt road to “Vegetarium” rest house and back we are willing to:
• Purchase a 4x4 minivan – 14 000 BGN (7 161 EUR);
Please, write the folowing reason for payment: "Donation for cause number ... (the chosen number)".
For precise information or any questions, please contact us. Your advices how to improve our plans are welcome!
Thank you!